Domestic Violence Counseling, Springboro UCC
The UCC is very sensitive to issues of abuse. Pam Benjamin and Pastor Terry Carlisle offer domestic violence counseling and a regularly meeting support/education group to help people (men and women) determine if they are being abused, deal with all of its effects on their lives and the lives of their children, and safely move away from it.
In our culture, 1 in 4 women and many men are abused by a “loved one”, or someone that they know well. Often the victim is made to feel that they “deserve it”, “asked for it”, or in some other way caused the abuse. Pam and Terry help people figure out how to stop the abuse safely, as well as how to deal with all the strong effects that it has on lives.
If you or someone that you care about is being controlled (car mileage checked, checkbook kept from them, is being accused of constantly flirting, etc.) abused or beaten physically, call Pam or Terry (Pam, 937-321-4219 / Terry 937-371-1803) to arrange a consultation. There is no charge for any of the services.
Pam and Terry believe that they have seen many cases where “life and death” situations gave been averted due to the support and guidance that can be found in the support and education group. Other numbers to call: