Springboro United Church of Christ

Youth Ministry

Springboro United Church of Christ Youth Ministry

The Springboro United Church of Christ is blessed to have a vibrant youth ministry program, combining fun activities with our Christian beliefs to make a difference in our community. Our youth activities go far beyond just Sunday School – our church youth are active in mission trips, bible studies and more!

A few of our Youth Ministry programs include the:

youth group

Christ Caring Crew

What do you get when you combine a group of 1st – 5th graders with fun, heart-felt mission efforts? You get the Christ Caring Crew of Springboro UCC!

This youth group is unique in that each month they set out to help others locally and globally. Some of their efforts include food scavenger hunts for the Franklin Food Pantry, Rake & Run for members of our church, collections for the animal shelter, a talent show for the residents of Carlisle Manor and more!

Junior High Youth Group

These popular groups are open to 6th – 8th grade students. Our church group meets once a month for a wide variety of local mission activities, as well as some youth group games that are just for fun.

High School Youth Group

Youth ministry for 9th – 12th graders, students share in bible study, youth devotions, community mission work and more. As young adults, a special focus upon the teachings of God and how they relate to today’s issues both locally and globally is provided. The Senior High Youth Group meets once a month.

Springboro UCC Youth Group Image Gallery

Call us today to schedule a meeting or tour at (937) 748-1969, or send us an e-mail by clicking here. Services are held at 10:15 a.m. every Sunday – hope to see you soon!
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